

PhD, Linguistics, in progress, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY.

MPhil, Linguistics, 2024, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY.

BA, Linguistics, 2020, Reed College, Portland, OR.

Other education

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certificate Program, 2022, The Office of Compliance and Diversity, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY.

Teach@CUNY Summer Institute, 2021, Teaching and Learning Center, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY.


Academic and professional appointments


August 2021 – May 2024, Instructor (Graduate Center Fellow), Lehman College, CUNY, New York, NY. Courses: Introduction to Phonology; Introduction to Syntax; Semantics; Sociolinguistics.

August 2021 – May 2022, Practicum Leader, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY. Courses: Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics; Semantics I.


Other positions

August 2019 – May 2020, Lab Manager, Lab of Linguistics, Reed College, Portland, OR.

January 2017 – May 2020, Tutor, Academic Support Services, Reed College, Portland, OR. Courses: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis; Introductory Syntax; Historical Linguistics; Phonetics; French.

May – August 2018, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD.


Undergraduate thesis

Title: Had I’d’ve known better: “Extra” auxiliaries in English conditions

Advisor: Matt Pearson

Committee: Roslyn Burns, Sameer ud Dowla Khan, Andrew Bray




Malanoski, Aidan with Bill Haddican. 2023–2024. “Variation and change in pre-rhotic back vowels in Mid-Atlantic English varieties.” CUNY Graduate Center. Award: $946.

Gibson, Cameron & Aidan Malanoski (co-PIs). 2021–2022. “New Languages for NLP: Tigrinya.” Center for Digital Humanities, Princeton University. Award: $1500.



Graduate Center Fellowship. 2020–2025, CUNY Graduate Center.

Tuition Fellowship, 2020–2023, CUNY Graduate Center.



2020, Phi Beta Kappa.

2017, 2018, 2020, Presidential Commendation for Academic Achievement, Reed College.



Internal service

August 2022 – present, Language, Culture, and Society (LCS) Lab Manager, CUNY Graduate Center.

August 2021 – May 2024, Executive Committee, Linguistics Program, CUNY Graduate Center.

May 2021 – May 2024, Sociolinguistics Lunch Organizer (with Yzza Sedrati 2021–2023; with Mimi Urízar-Ávila 2023; with Mimi Urízar-Ávila and Ibrahim Abu Elrob 2024), CUNY Graduate Center.

August–December 2023, Ad Hoc Governance Review Committee, Linguistics Program, CUNY Graduate Center.

October 2021 – May 2022, Ad Hoc Diversity Committee, Linguistics Program, CUNY Graduate Center.


Service to the profession

2023, volunteer for NWAV 51 (setup, cleanup, session chair).

2023, abstract reviewer for the Workshop on Variation and Syntactic Theory (NWAV 51).

2023, abstract reviewer for SYNC 2023.

2021, abstract reviewer for SYNC 2021.



2022, guest on the BeMore Good News Podcast, 20 June 2022.


Membership in professional societies

2023–present, American Dialect Society

2023–present, Linguistic Society of America.

2021–2022, International Association for the Study of Popular Music (US Chapter).