Upcoming presentations (soonest first)

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Refereed presentations

Malanoski, Aidan, Bill Haddican, Kyle Gorman, Cynthia Gan, Jack Lacey, Jack Lynch, Andrew Shillingford, Samuel H. Sokol & Kujege Thiam. January 11, 2025. A whole new /iw/: The changing syllabification of yod. ADS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. poster

Malanoski, Aidan, Bill Haddican, Cynthia Gan, Jack Lacey, Jack Lynch, Andrew Shillingford, Samuel H. Sokol & Kujege Thiam. January 10, 2025. Mergers of CURE in the eastern United States. ADS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. slides

Malanoski, Aidan. April 4, 2024. Hon love: Politics and performance on the margins of the South. Language Variety in the South V, University of Georgia. slides

Malanoski, Aidan. January 7, 2024. A report on /oy/-monophthongization in Baltimore. ADS Annual Meeting, New York, NY. slides

Malanoski, Aidan. January 6, 2024. Styling the mother: Performing Baltimore’s Hon persona. LSA Annual Meeting, New York, NY. poster

Malanoski, Aidan. October 13, 2023. Race in the performance of a Baltimore persona. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 51, Queens College. slides

Malanoski, Aidan. June 24, 2023. Deletion of ordering statements as a multidominance-compatible PF repair mechanism. How Many Mothers? Multidominance in Syntax, University of Massachusetts Amherst. handout

Amaris, Josh, Emmanuel Bawa, Jason Kandybowicz, Zhilang Liu, Aidan Malanoski, Margaret Matte, Olivia Mignone, Anne Nguyen, Shane Quinn, & Alaa Sharif. June 14, 2023. Question formation in Adara. Annual Conference on African Linguistics 54, University of Connecticut. handout

Malanoski, Aidan. May 13, 2022. Right node raising and Flexible Cyclic Linearization. West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 40, Stanford University. slides

Malanoski, Aidan. April 22, 2022. Genre formation as enregisterment. Chicago Linguistic Society 58, University of Chicago. slides

Malanoski, Aidan. December 4, 2021. Right node raising and Flexible Cyclic Linearization. SYNC 2021, CUNY Graduate Center. slides

Malanoski, Aidan. April 23, 2021. “Provocativa, cruda, bien Boricua”: Language choice in the music of Buscabulla. 7th Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań, Adam Mickiewicz University. poster, references

Malanoski, Aidan. March 12, 2021. Vámono: Constructing Puerto Rican identity in the music of Buscabulla. Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 24, The Ohio State University. slides


Invited presentations

Malanoski, Aidan. November 22, 2024. Two proposals for restricting externalization. Syntax Brown Bag, New York University. handout

Malanoski, Aidan. November 17, 2023. Repairing linearization. SynNYU, New York University. poster, handout

Malanoski, Aidan. December 2, 2021. Enregisterment beyond language. Talk presented for the course Critical Discourse Theory and Analysis, taught by Colette Daiute. CUNY Graduate Center.


Other presentations

Malanoski, Aidan. April 24, 2023. Contraction and repetition in English inverted conditionals. Connecting Innovative Research in CUNY Linguistics. CUNY Graduate Center.

Gibson, Cameron & Aidan Malanoski. May 12, 2022. Extralinguistic challenges in low-resource NLP: A case study in Tigrinya. In Andy Janco (chair), Creating annotated corpora for Yoruba, Efik and Tigrinya. Panel presentation at New Languages for NLP: Building Linguistic Diversity in the Digital Humanities, Princeton University.

Malanoski, Aidan. November 2, 2021. Right node raising and Flexible Cyclic Linearization. Connecting Innovative Research in CUNY Linguistics. CUNY Graduate Center.